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Our Stories: Katie Otten

May 16, 2024

I work at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the south and one of the most profitable airports for American Airlines. I work hard cleaning American Airlines cabins and making sure they are free from weapons or other hazards, but I’m just not paid enough to get by in Charlotte.

I work at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the south and one of the most profitable airports for American Airlines. I work hard cleaning American Airlines cabins and making sure they are free from weapons or other hazards, but I’m just not paid enough to get by in Charlotte. Until recently I was living out of my car, and right now I stay at a  Motel 6 with my fiance. I know it can be better than this, and that’s why I joined with my coworkers in a union. We’re here to demand accountability from our employers and their clients–all the airlines like American–– and to demand the respect and pay we deserve. 

When American Airlines’ passengers are traveling through the Queen City, it is cabin cleaners like myself who ensure their plane is clean and secure for their flight. We don’t only clean the cabin, but we do a security search to make sure nothing dangerous is on it.

Our jobs are important and essential for air travel. Without us, planes wouldn’t take off. It’s high time American Airlines shows us respect for the profits we help them make.

We don’t have the proper equipment to do our jobs and we are paid such low wages it is nearly impossible to survive in the booming Charlotte area.

I dream of being able to afford our own place. It’s not right that we are working so hard at the airport, yet struggle on poverty wages.

That’s why I joined with my co-workers and formed our union. We are standing up to American Airlines and demanding an end to poverty wages for everyone at the airport. It’s outrageous that a lot of us aren’t paid $15 an hour, but the American Airlines CEO is paid $15,000 an hour!

Airport service workers are the backbone of air travel and we are DONE with corporate greed.

I look forward to the day when we are paid fairly for the work we do, have paid sick leave and have time to enjoy the little things in life, like getting my nails done or hair done.

The small things that improve your quality of life, but right now I’m barely paid enough to cover my needs.

I know that together in our union, we are bringing the change that is long overdue. Together, we are transforming our jobs into good, family sustaining jobs that allow all of us to thrive.