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Our Stories: Linda Ressler

May 17, 2024

I work the overnight shift to ensure that planes are clean and secure for passengers at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Last summer, during the scorching Arizona heatwave, I would often clean planes with the air conditioning turned off and without access to water

I work the overnight shift to ensure that planes are clean and secure for passengers at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Last summer, during the scorching Arizona heatwave, I would often clean planes with the air conditioning turned off and without access to water. It would reach the triple digits inside the cabin. Scavenging for water bottles passengers left behind to drink and stay hydrated was my breaking point. That’s when I joined with my coworkers in our union to call out greedy airlines and our employers, and demand safe working conditions for all airport service workers.

It’s inhumane that while airlines like American brag about profits, I’m not provided the basic, simple protections from extreme heat to prevent heat exhaustion and illness. Just having access to water and a place to cool can be the difference between life and death when you are experiencing heat related illness.

It’s so simple. But someone – our employers, the city or the airlines – who controls our workplace conditions, needs to ensure ALL workers are safe from the heat.

We are essential to air travel and we are demanding safer working conditions.

Planes couldn’t fly without us. Not only do we ensure that the cabin is clean, but we also make sure it is clear of bombs, knives or other security threats.

I’m sick and tired of putting my life on the line to help make air travel possible and help the major airlines bring in record revenue but get so little in return.

I've experienced nearly every symptom of heat exhaustion. I've suffered from extreme fatigue, weakness, headaches, vomiting, muscle cramps, loss of coordination, and nausea. I was hospitalized for heat exhaustion. I often feel like I'm going to faint and I've caught myself briefly dipping in and out of consciousness while working.

I spend nearly my entire check on rent. I constantly make decisions between utilities or food on the table. I’ve had to have my kids help me with groceries.

We deserve better. If American Airlines can pay their CEO millions in compensation, then they can ensure workers like me aren’t living in poverty and are safe on the job.

That’s why we are coming together in our union to fight for change.

The status quo is failing working people. Decades of a system rigged in favor of greedy corporations can’t continue.

We are coming together to rewrite the rules. We know that we have the power to create a better future for ourselves and future generations.